Hypnosis for anxiety and stress can be very useful. Hypnosis is an effective method for managing stress and anxiety in an uncertain world. Have you ever felt like you were going to have a heart attack? Felt like you couldn’t breathe or were going to collapse? Anxiety or panic attacks are terrifying times in a sufferer’s life. You are not alone! Many people are rushed to the hospital each year with suspected heart attacks that actually turn out to be anxiety attacks as a result of stress. Anxiety can lead to a fear of being scared, which in turn leads to a vicious cycle of creating more fear and therefore more anxiety.
Hypnosis is very effective in treating these problems. Stress and anxiety reactions are physiological as well as psychological. The trigger is psychological but the response is physiological. Anxiety can cause such distress that it interferes with a person’s ability to have a normal life. Over 30 million Americans have been diagnosed with clinical anxiety and panic disorders. General symptoms of anxiety and stress include:
There are different types of anxiety. Generalized anxiety individuals suffering from generalized anxiety disorders often irrationally anticipate tragedy. They will constantly worry about family, money, health, and even about how to get through each day.
“I developed a problem with anxiety, fears and panic attacks. I felt crippled at a time when I needed to be my best for my son, husband and work. After 5-sessions, I was free! I was a whole new person. Marc actually helped me resolve all my issues from the past and I redesigned myself to how I want to live and feel about myself. I feel great! This kind of hypnosis is permanent and the sessions are unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. I fully recommend the Drucker Hypnosis Center!” *
Panic Attacks
A panic attack is a severe and overwhelming experience of anxiety that can come upon someone quite suddenly, with or without a specific trigger. In severe cases, a person having a panic attack may feel that they are going to die or suffer a sense of terror or impending doom. It can seem like there is no way to control these feelings. Sometimes simply the thought of having a panic attack can bring on an attack. The attempt to control anxiety can itself lead to more anxiety.
When someone suffers this kind of difficulty, it is not because they are being ‘dramatic’ or are ‘highly-strung’, but because the mind has created a link between a normal occurrence—stress —and a way of responding to that stress—anxiety and panic.
“After mom died my anxiety went from bad to a constant state of panic. I felt like I couldn’t breath and even eating made me sick. It felt like I was constantly having a heart attack. No one understood. Feeling hopeless, my doctor referred me to the Drucker Hypnosis Center and Marc Drucker.”
“Marc gave me a free consultation. He really understood me and talked about other’s he helped with grief and anxiety. The 5 session program changed my life. I can’t believe what we accomplished in only 5 appointments! I did most of the talking in the hypnosis. Each appointment was cathartic and I walked away feeling better I was living my life again. I am able to exist peacefully” *
Post-Traumatic Stress
Post-traumatic stress is a condition that can develop following a traumatic and/or terrifying event, such as the unexpected death of a loved one, severe shock, violent crimes, rape, or witnessing of war. People often have lasting and frightening thoughts and memories of the event, causing them to stay in emotional distress.
“Thank you for all the support you gave me after my horrific car accident. As you know, I was left not only with permanent injuries, but trauma, anxiety and panic… Your interactive hypnosis program was powerful and it helped clear out my irrational fears. It gave me the clarity I needed to get back to functioning and quickly excel in all areas of my life.” *
How Does Hypnosis Work for Anxiety and Stress?
Hypnosis is extremely beneficial when it comes to anxiety and other emotionally-rooted problems. Any trauma, negative experience, learned behaviors, or fears have an inner root of establishment. Our past experiences have an impact on our subconscious mind, creating a mental “block” and creating problems on a physical level. In hypnosis, you have an opportunity to gain insight and let go of these old blocks of emotion, perhaps re-program and heal your past in a way that you have the memory without the painful emotion attached, just like having a scar reminding of the trauma but there is no more pain. Through numerous personalized hypnotic techniques, you can learn to live in peace with your past, present and future.
Not only will my hypnosis for anxiety sessions help you manage anxiety in your current situation, but it will help with future anxieties as well. Your mind will become a tool that can effectively handle any situation that comes between you and utter bliss. Your subconscious mind will be able to dissociate from usual pressures and worries. You won’t become entirely stress-free, as a small amount of stress is healthy. However, you will eliminate the stress that weighs you down and makes you incapable of enjoying life to its fullest.
Hypnosis is safe and natural and is by far the quickest form of therapy for anxiety and panic disorders.
Hypnosis has had a long and successful history in treating stress, anxiety and panic attacks. Being able to manage stress and anxiety effectively will:
If you suffer from anxiety, stress and panic attacks, you really can reclaim your life. Through the process of hypnosis, you can accomplish your goals and live your dreams. Experience freedom… Call today to begin your new ANXIETY-FREE life.
Hypnosis can help you overcome your fears.
Intellectually, you know the plane isn’t going to crash. Logically, you know the audience isn’t going to hurt you. Everyone has fears.
But still, your heart pounds. Your hands shake and your breath gets short. You know the fear isn’t rational – it doesn’t make sense. But it’s real. Whatever your fear is, it’s probably holding you back. Luckily, you can overcome that fear no matter how silly it seems. No matter how extreme it is. The result? You’ll find yourself calmer and more in control. You won’t have to be fearful anymore.

The techniques I use to give you the tools to overcome fear. Sometimes, the approach involves getting to the root of the fear so you can understand and overcome it. In other situations, I can help you break the stimulus-response pattern that's been set up so that what used to scare you just doesn't anymore. All the approaches are safe and effective.
“My fears and anxiety was so bad that I could not eat, sleep, or go anywhere. My stomach always hurt and I couldn’t stop feeling like something dreadful was going to happen to me if I left my house. I am now the confident woman I always wanted to be, instead of the scared little girl I was. It was an amazing life-changing process. I live my life so much better than I did only a few months ago. Now I can fly, drive on the highways, bridges and tunnels. I can even take the subway again. My past experiences do not affect me anymore.”
If you were more confident, would your career be better? How about your relationships and your health?
Would you be happier overall if you had Confidence & Self-Esteem? Hypnosis can be used to help you achieve the self-confidence you’ve always wanted. Improving your confidence and self-esteem could open endless possibilities.
"I have been in therapy all of my life since about the age of 6 or maybe before. I have always felt sad, bad about myself, and victimized by abandonment issues. I have had four sessions with Marc and my life is a million times better. I laugh much more and am grateful to Marc for all of his help. Marc is very supportive, kind, compassionate, caring and understanding. I have never made such a wise investment in my life. Marc has helped me respect myself and make me realize that there is absolutely nothing wrong with me. I am forever grateful to Marc Drucker. My loved ones see a big difference in me, all thanks to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." *
First, I use hypnosis to find out if there's anything stopping you from being more confident. Most people aren't conscious of why they're not more confident. Hypnosis enables you to find these blocks at the deeper levels where they exist. Once you've identified them, I can guide you through the steps necessary to overcome them.
After the blocks are gone, hypnosis becomes "mental optometry" – a process to help you see yourself more clearly. If you're like most people, you tend to magnify your faults and minimize your resources and accomplishments. Together we work to be sure that, at a very deep level, you're seeing yourself in the correct light – the one that supports you most fully. So you really feel all the reasons you have to be confident.

Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is defined by extreme anxiety and discomfort in social situations. Fear of being around other people, having to interact with them and being judged negatively by them are the common signs of social anxiety. Also, social anxiety can center on a fear of behaving in a way that might cause embarrassment or lead to a ridicule. It is often linked to poor self-esteem and childhood experiences. Social anxiety affects an estimated 10% of the population.
“My life is broken down into before hypnosis and after hypnosis. Before working with Marc I could only handle being with no more than a small group of 3. Anymore than that and I felt lost and awkward. I avoided events. After getting this issue resolved I feel comfortable with myself wherever I go and whomever I’m with. I can finally go to weddings and reunions. I’m free!” *